Meet the Founder

Jackson is an entrepreneurial-minded third-generation family business consultant who focuses on improving company culture, storytelling, cross-departmental synergy, and customer experience. He also founded The Live Thrivingly Podcast, practices yoga, and is a partner in a ceremonial grade cacao company, Sage Cacao. From his mental health journey, he learned to live a balanced life and aims to help others discover their innate genius.

Jackson Hall

Core Values

  • Emphasizing the importance of returning to one's intrinsic state of well-being. This could involve promoting practices that help individuals recover their original health, balance, and vitality, symbolizing both personal recovery and the restoration of relationships and communities.

  • Highlighting cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships between individuals, within communities, and with the environment. This value can underscore the importance of teamwork, partnerships, and ecological responsibility in achieving collective success and sustainability.

  • Prioritizing the cultivation of meaningful, authentic connections. This value can stress the role of empathy, trust, and communication in building strong interpersonal relationships that support personal growth and community resilience.

  • Valuing the intuitive, inherent wisdom that comes from within and the learned experiences from nature. Promoting methods that encourage tapping into this inner guidance and learning from the natural world to make informed, holistic decisions.

  • Committing to enhancing the overall well-being of individuals through all dimensions—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This involves advocating for a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes well-being and fulfillment.

  • Advocating for a simpler, clutter-free lifestyle that emphasizes the essentials. This can involve promoting minimalism, stress reduction, and an appreciation for the basic joys and satisfactions of life, helping individuals focus on what truly matters.